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at Thorpe Bay Dental

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Visiting your dentist in Thorpe Bay for a tooth extraction

A tooth extraction involves having your tooth removed from the gum socket; there could be many reasons as to why you require a tooth to be extracted and we appreciate that the process sounds extremely painful, however at Thorpe Bay Dental we can assure you our dentist in Thorpe Bay will make the procedure as comfortable and painless as possible using local anaesthetics to numb the area.

Why would someone require a tooth extraction?

There are countless reasons for needing a tooth to be extracted and this can happen at any age; it is most common in children and the elderly however we regularly find adults requiring an extraction for one reason or another. Unfortunately, the primary reason for needing a tooth to be extracted is poor oral hygiene. Improper brushing techniques can result in food residues remaining in the mouth which turn into tartar and plaque; this can become more difficult to clean and if left untreated by your dentist in Thorpe Bay can cause your gums to begin receding. This is a common symptom of periodontitis, which in its most severe stage requires tooth extraction or results in tooth loss as the tooth can no longer be supported by the jawbone beneath it.

Another common reason you may require a tooth extraction is tooth decay; this is a dental issue caused by frequently eating foods rich in sugars and starches. The bacteria found in your mouth comes into contact with sugars and starches to produce harmful acids which erode the enamel of your teeth. If your teeth are constantly exposed to sugars and starches, the enamel will continue to erode until the tooth begins to break down. Eventually, the effects of the decay will become irreversible, and you will require an extraction.

Other reasons you may require a tooth extraction include trauma to the tooth caused by an accident and teeth crowding.

What does the process entail?

The process of a tooth extraction will take place in a dental clinic and will be carried out under a local anaesthetic if the procedure is minor, or a hospital dental clinic under general anaesthetic if the procedure is more complex and you require more teeth to be extracted. It is normal for your dentist in Thorpe Bay to prescribe you a course of antibiotics to take prior to the extraction.

In the case of a minor extraction, your dentist will begin the procedure by applying a local anaesthetic to the gum surrounding the tooth that is to be extracted; this is so that the area is numbed, and the procedure is as painless as possible. It is important to note that you may still experience some discomfort while the extraction is taking place. Your dentist will then use a dental elevator to loosen the tooth in the gum and make the extraction easier. Once the tooth is loose, your dentist will proceed to pull the tooth out of the socket with the help of dental forceps which will clasp around the tooth.


Once the extraction is complete, your dentist may prescribe you a course of antibiotics to prevent infection and some painkillers to help ease the pain once the anaesthesia wears off. You may need to keep some gauze compressed to the tooth socket to help stop the bleeding; this will also help the blood clot which will fill the socket as the bone grows back in. It is important that you eat soft foods for the first twenty-four hours to ensure the treatment area heals properly and avoid hard foods for a week.


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